Headline: Ballet Mom Cries

Story Time from My Minivan Outside of Ballet Practice:

Several months ago, I sat in the balcony of a local church theater with other parents watching The Nutcracker special school & retirement community performance on a Friday afternoon. 

As the climax of the Snow Queen's dance came to a close, I tried my damndest to not cry (like ugly cry), because I thought the other parents would think that I was absolutely crazy (vulnerability is hard for me)!  Tears still leaked out, but I played it cool and hoped they would dry on their own!

A few days later, a brave dad (that shall remain nameless), admitted to me and Tam, that he always gets choked up at that point in the show too!  Suddenly, I felt less crazy & was MORE THAN willing to explain my emotions to Tam.

This week, I am spending my evenings in the same community theatre while my little ballerina prepares for yet another performance week… And the day I wrote my thoughts about this article, I sat in my minivan, bright and early on a Saturday morning with my jar of overnight oats (because I didn't have enough time for breakfast before securing Cora's bun, and running out the door), 2 day old Starbucks, and trying to entertain myself for an hour and a half (because TODAY, I don't have any last minute errands to run), and I am reminded of those tears. 

Add to this image 4 years of practice: first, once a week, then twice a week, and then three times a week, eventually we will hit four to five times a week!  Add to this picture the endless times you were hustling to get out the door on time, the countless hours of homework coaching and time management to accomplish everything on weeknights before practice, the meal prep, the thousands of buns twirled, the early days when you helped slip on those tights & tutus, the nerves you calmed, ALL the logistics you managed for rehearsal weeks jam packed with practice, the precious mother daughter moments of putting on her first make up, and making sure not a single hair moves out of place for the big day, watching and rewatching countless hours of old performance videos... I think you are starting to get the picture!

None of THAT, even begins to mention ALL of the ballerina's HOURS and HOURS of hard work, determination, discipline & big dreams of someday breaking in her first point shoes & pirouetting across stage as Clara!

Every time I watch my little ballerina perform, EVERY SINGLE one of these moments flashes through my mind like they were yesterday!  Suddenly, she is performing in her very first role again, the Snow Princess, and then I blink, and I can imagine her as a confident, young adult performing as the amazing Snow Queen or some equally amazing part! 

Those tears, that I can't control, no matter how hard I try, are for me, my baby, and all the dance moms and dads that have sacrificed right along with their babies to watch them grow and shine and achieve something beautiful! 

I know that behind that beautiful Snow Queen and her flawless performance, are all of those moments I mentioned above & I can't help but to shed a tear of pride, relief, exhaustion & love for her, her parents & our future!

That is all! I wanted to share, because I know many of you can relate to this crazy thing we call parenthood, as we watch pieces of our heart and soul go out into the world and become amazing people!  Whether you are soccer moms and dads, baseball parents, band dads, etc.  We all work hard to make it all work, and to help make our little person’s dreams come true!  I see you mommas & dads!  

P.S. don't judge my well-hidden emotional side; she says as looking around to be sure that no one in the dance parking lot saw he welling up while writing this! 💜


New York City, An Adventure of Firsts