New Year * New Beginnings Why Do New Year’s Resolutions Get a Bad Rap?!

First let me say: I write this with love & intention to inspire!  I was presented with some signs on New Years Day that I choose to interpret as a message for the New Year.  My morning coffee showed me Love, and my walking adventure with my mom shared that untraveled roads can lead to unexpected twists & turns & beauty awaits your arrival! 


 So, I was compelled to write this after the third time I saw a popular and funny meme… (Actually, thinking back, there were probably seeds of these thoughts planted awhile ago, but the meme, really pushed me over the edge).  The first time I saw the meme, it made me giggle, it was cute and funny, and came from someone I respect.  By the third time, I saw it casually scrolling on social media, it started to give me pause, as it was accompanied by several other posts and messages in a similar theme.


The meme went something like this: “don’t expect a resolution from me, I will remain the same loudmouth, delightful…”  Like I said, it is cute and funny, but after overhearing several conversations this past week, where people were complaining that they don’t make resolutions for various reasons and seeing several other posts referring to resolutions being a waste of time, or negative in some way, my brain started being triggered.


Don’t get me wrong, I am not attached to resolutions in any way.  There have been years that I made them silently to myself, years that I proclaimed them out loud, and years that I didn’t make any.  BUT, what bothers me the most about the amount of conversations and posts I have seen regarding resolutions, is the negative vibe surrounding them on this particular year.  In the past, I either made a resolution or didn’t, but I never felt so strongly about them, as it seems many are feeling, this year. 


I started over analyzing why people were feeling SO NEGATIVE about something that is LITERALLY the definition of positive thoughts and behaviors (SERIOUSLY, what could be more positive than looking to the future and setting a goal for self-improvement)?!


This is what I came up with & below are my 2 cents on the matter:  I see 3 categories of objections to New Year’s Resolutions:  1.) The “I Am Enough” mantra being misinterpreted; 2.)  The Protestor - I don’t need it to be New Year’s Eve to make a resolution crowd; 3.)  Giving Up – I made resolutions before and didn’t stick with it, so why bother, mindset. 

If you fall into group #1, here are my thoughts:   I am all for self-acceptance, self-love, reminding yourself that you ARE enough, etc., BUT that doesn’t mean that you can’t grow!  Love yourself for who and how you are NOW, LIFE IS DEFINITELY A JOURNEY, and I don’t see any benefit in self deprivation… You HAVE TO LOVE yourself now, to truly grow in a positive way!  You CAN love yourself now, and the NEW, stronger, smarter, more experienced, YOU, in the future!  They are both AMAZING PEOPLE!  Setting a goal and looking to improve your life does not mean that you are not enough now, everyone has room to grow, EVERYONE, AND only you can decide, how, when, and if that happens!

Now, as for “The Protestor,”  I get it… I usually don’t like to go along with the crowd, and like to do things my own way, too!  You are 100% RIGHT, it does not need to be New Year’s Eve for you to make a resolution or a plan for growth and self-improvement!  You can do that any time you want, and in fact, you should, if you are so motivated.  I purposely chose to share my thoughts here until after THE BIG DAY, because I had you & myself in mind!  Last year, I set a health goal for myself, but I was too sick to get started, I had to wait until 2 weeks after New Year’s to get started, SO YOU DO YOU & START WHEN YOU ARE READY!  However, if New Year’s Eve, and seeing others set their goals, helps motivate & inspire someone, then GREAT, SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOF TOPS, or quietly write it in your own journal!

Finally, for those who feel like giving up, because they set goals and resolutions that were not met in the past, DON’T GIVE UP ON NEW BEGININGS!  Ok, you failed before, EVERYONE has failed at something before, it is ONLY ONE CHAPTER in your story!  You can try again, set a different goal, try different ways to meet that goal, YOU GET ANOTHER CHANCE, UNTIL YOU QUIT TRYING AGAIN!  For me, I told myself that I wanted to set out on a health journey 3 years ago, when I lost my uncle, but I was too sad, and scared from losses & 2020 pandemic looming, then I told myself it was time in 2021, but I was waiting for someone else to help motivate me.  I tried for a little and gave up… I failed at those intentions, BUT I NEVER GAVE UP! I knew I failed, but also KNEW THAT ONE DAY, I WOULD NOT FAIL!  THEN, I decided the time had come, and I would do it NO MATTER WHAT, and I had to be willing to do it alone, to truly have the right mindset!  I do not beat myself up about the 2 years before that!  It was life, I wasn’t ready, FULL STOP!  I still loved myself, but the timing wasn’t right, and when it was, I would set the goal and run with it, New Years Eve, or not!     

The Moral of My Story Today:  If you are motivated or inspired to make improvements to yourself, your life, your goals, your happiness, THEN DO IT!  You are AMAZING, POWERFUL beyond your imagination, and you are the only one limiting your potential, YES YOU ARE ENOUGH IF YOU ARE HAPPY, but if YOU WANT MORE, THAN GO GET IT.  Don’t let the fact that others are making resolutions stop you, Inspiration & Motivation can strike whenever you are ready to receive them! If you failed at your resolution before, SO WHAT?! FAIL FORWARD!  Don’t give up on the hope of new beginnings!  One day you will look back and see that your last failure was ONE steppingstone on the path to your future!  Resolve to try something new, read a new book, start a small habit, reach a big goal, dare to dream, start a gratitude journal, drink more water, read an inspirational story, take walks, quit your job, …. DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY & CELEBRATE YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY SEEKING THEIR OWN HAPPINESS!


If you aren’t inspired or motivated to grow right now or don’t want to participate for your own reasons, that’s fine!  Give yourself a hug, take a rest this holiday weekend, and know you can improve your life when the time is right for you! 

I am sending you all a giant hug, and wishing you a happy, healthy 2023.  My deepest wish is that we all have the strength and perspective to meet new challenges with the heart to find the beauty, lesson, silver lining, and growth & that we fill our time between challenges with love, joy, and light!  Happy New Year My Gorgeous Friends!💜


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