
Sunshine and Happinest - Stories

Bringing you along for the ride as we chase our dream of financial independence, building our dream home & garden, DIYing until our hearts are content, adventuring, learning from our mistakes, finding silver linings, spreading joy with our chickens, and maybe even growing our way into a mini homestead.

Garden, Food, DIY, Adventures April Chau Garden, Food, DIY, Adventures April Chau

Garden Bounty - The Story of Our Beets

Sometimes, the challenge of attempting to grow something new is thrilling, like unraveling some mystery of nature.  Sometimes, the growing is rewarding enough.  Just to wander past the flowers in the garden or know that you finally succeeded at sprouting a new plant can spark joy.  But, THE HARVEST, is an entirely new level of satisfaction!  Not only did I watch something appear out of the dark depths of the underworld, and marvel as it grew mighty, but to taste the spoils of victory, is THE BEST!! 

So to wage war with the elements of nature, and dare life to triumph, and then allow the glorious victory to go uncelebrated, seems like a crime, and indeed it is!  Sadly, we committed that exact crime a few years in a row. Maybe I should back up…

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Style, Garden, Adventures April Chau Style, Garden, Adventures April Chau

Mission: Overalls

Here, I am on the precipice of another new beginning, and that means, I need to pick the proper cape! Today that cape is crafted out of denim, and buckles! As we prepare to fully launch this blog, our YouTube Channel, and Sunshine & Happinest Adventure, I decided that my uniform (or cape) for the task will be, OVERALLS!

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